Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. Foundation Stage News
  3. PE and Independence skills

PE and Independence skills

17 December 2024 (by David Lovatt (d.lovatt))

Dear Parents / Carers,

We are already looking forwards towards our next half term in the New Year. Our Foundation Stage 2 classes will begin PE Lessons in the hall from the week beginning 13th January. We will be doing our PE sessions for both classes on Friday's so the children will need to come to school in their PE kit on this day with a change of school uniform in their bag for afterwards. Our school PE kit is black shorts/leggings and a coloured top. The coloured top will be provided by school after the holiday. We do PE barefooted in the hall so children can come to school in their normal school shoes. Piercings are not allowed during PE sessions so must be removed before school on PE days.

As part of our physical development curriculum children are expected to be independent in self care skills including dressing themselves. We noticed that many children still find it difficult to dress themselves independently so we are asking if you could please spend some time over the Christmas holiday practicing this with your children. While staff will help children with their clothes, we only have a limited amount of time and hands and as you can appreciate dressing a full class can take a long time. Therefore we encourage the children to try and change themselves as best as they can.

Thank you for your support as always,

Foundation Stage 2 Team